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The Ryan Foundation Supports Special Education with Donation to Madonna School

The Ryan Foundation recently donated $2,000,000 to Madonna School & Community Based-Services in July of 2023.

Madonna stands as the singular local organization offering a comprehensive spectrum of education and support services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, spanning from pre-kindergarten through adulthood. Through their inclusive programs, Madonna equips youth and adults facing disabilities to not only succeed in academic pursuits, but also flourish in various facets of life: at school, in the workplace, within their homes, and out in the broader community.

At the heart of Madonna's mission lies an unwavering dedication to unleashing the innate talents and capabilities of every individual they serve. Their team of highly skilled special educators, specialists, therapists, and job coaches creates an atmosphere that is both dynamic and nurturing. This environment is wholly committed to nurturing the complete person - encompassing body, mind, and spirit.

Madonna's outreach extends across the region, embracing individuals from diverse walks of life and faith traditions. Within this compassionate community, students and clients forge genuine friendships and craft enduring memories. At Madonna, everyone is embraced and welcomed with open arms.

For more information about Madonna School & Community Based-Services, please visit their website.